We create software companies to solve important problems.

We are a startup foundry that applies social science, strategic thinking, and iterative experimentation to create socially beneficial software companies from scratch.

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Our mission: create a better world.

We work on big, hard-to-solve problems where we see potential for software to create tremendous value for society.

Our products help by...

accelerating social science
improving decision-making
calming anxiety
reducing depression
enabling behavior change
increasing learning speeds

Our products become new companies.

After we build a promising version 1.0 of a product idea, we recruit a highly driven, passionate, resourceful CEO who shares our values. We then launch the product as a new company.

Our projects include:

better decision-making with science based tools
faster recruitment of study participants
effective anxiety relief
accelerated app and tool creation without a programmer
a framework for creating positive behaviors
create your perfect happiness & productivity boosting daily routine
rapid replications for reliable research
the three most popular personality frameworks — all in one test
a unified framework for data science, data analysis, and machine learning in Python

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